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Anyone and everyone can volunteer. Location is not a constraint, age and skill-set are not restraints, only the will to serve the fellow being matters. As we look to expand in other areas, as we try to replicate this successful model in other places, we encourage everyone to work with us together in unity and to end homelessness permanently.



1) Partner vendors who are willing to train homeless youth and help in job placement.


2) A Python tutor for 6 homeless teenagers. 

They have completed other related training are conceptually trained in Java but we don't have a tutor for Python. We have the training content & other facilities setup. You would be a good fit if you 

  • are good in Java with industry experience (these kids are already trained conceptually)

  • have an hour a day for a few days for virtual training (exact schedule TBD)

We will be grateful for any tutoring support. These teenagers are from abused environment and homeless, mix of African Americans, Asians etc A real chance to get them out of homelessness permanently, if you are interested to share your time and knowledge and if you are serious about it please contact us.

** You don't need to live nearby, training is all online, so you can be anywhere in the world 
** Schedule will be based on the tutors assessment (maybe an hour a day for 3 days, maybe for 2 weeks)
** They are homeless and they come to our training area to learn, our schedule has to be accommodative

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Our core mission is to end Youth homelessness in the United States.

“Interdependence is and ought to be as much the ideal of man as self-sufficiency” - Mahatma Gandhi

We don’t have any products to show here right now.

Anyone and everyone can volunteer. Location is not a constraint, age and skill-set are not restraints, only the will to serve the fellow being matters. As we look to setup our drop in centers and therapeutic programs we seek assistance from professionals, other volunteers, signups for taking on the cost, provisions, accessories, other donations for the Drop in centers and residential programs. 

Every dollar saves a child.


Call us  @    510-255-5409

Contact (questions/suggestions...)

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Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.

                                                                                             ~Margaret Meade

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